
Showing posts from August, 2017


Semenyih MTB  13/8/2017 Hot Spring Sem nyih Sg lalang 8:00am

Membawa Basikal Masuk Dalam LRT

Guideline for Bringing Bikes On-board Trains Non-foldable and foldable bikes are permitted. The length and height should be no more than 200cm long and 120cm high. Cyclist under the age of 12 must be accompanied by adults when bringing permitted bike types onto the train. Bikes should be safely attended by the cyclist at all times. Cyclist shall enter and exit through the wide-aisle gate. When boarding or leaving the train, cyclist are reminded to use extreme caution to avoid bumping into others passengers. Cyclist shall allow other passengers to board and exit the train first. Priority to use the elevators shall be given to people with disabilities. Every passenger is allowed to carry one permitted bike at any time. Cyclist with non-foldable bikes must wait by the specified doors, as shown behind (yellow boxes)