bicycle hand signals Stay safe when group cycling on the roads by using these five important hand signals. 1 . STOP - Hand straight up in air. Group is stopping for a junction, puncture or because there is an obstruction in the road. 2 . SLOW - Move one hand as if gently patting an invisible dog. Group is slowing down or just easing things back a bit. 3. OBSTRUCTION - Waving/pointing behind back indicates that there is an obstruction such as a parked car or pedestrian and that the whole group needs to move in the direction indicated to avoid it. 4 . TURN - Left or right hand extended out to side. Direction of turn/change in direction coming up. 5 . BELOW - Pointing down at road sometimes with a circling motion to obstruction on road such as a pothole or drain cover that needs to be avoided. Be sensible with this one and only point out major obstacles. This si...